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Waste Check is the regional solid waste authority for Digby and Yarmouth Counties, with a board comprised of two appointed representatives from each of the member municipal units. The mandate of Waste Check is to:

   ●  Identify options for an integrated solid waste-resource management system for the Region which are environmentally sound, socially acceptable and financially feasible.
   ●  Determine the optimum solid waste-resource management system for the region as a whole, giving appropriate consideration to maximizing long term benefits (ecological, social, and economic) and minimizing capital and operating costs.
   ●  Identify reduction, reuse, recycling, composting and construction and demolition waste recovery programs, consistent with the selected option for disposal of residual waste and which will achieve the target of 50% percent diversion by the year 2000.
   ●  Notwithstanding the 50% diversion target, indentify options for each of the specific diversion programs which may be more capital intensive and have higher operating costs, but which will enable the region to exceed the target and generate higher diversion credits from the Resource Recovery Fund Board Inc.
   ●  Increase public awareness of the regional solid waste resource management and promote participation in existing programs while the regional plan is being prepared.
   ●  Act as the steering committee guiding the overall process and monitor the work of the subcommittees, review progress at key milestones and adjust the work plan as determined appropriate.
   ●  Administer the project budget within the amount provided by the Department of the Environment.


Board Information

Gus Green, General Manager, Waste Check
309 Forest Street, P.O. Box 577
Yarmouth, NS B5A 4B6
Phone: (902) 742-1312
Toll-free: 1 (800) 569-0039

Name Position Term Start Term End Status Appointed By
Cushing, Loren Member 10 Nov 2020 10 Nov 2022 Expired MODY
Dares, Gil Member 14 Oct 2021 14 Oct 2023 Expired
Hatfield, Heather Member 14 Oct 2021 14 Oct 2023 Expired
Hurlburt, Sheri Member 10 Nov 2020 10 Nov 2022 Expired MODY